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Support North Chickamauga Creek
Support North Chickamauga Creek


Our very own Crisler Torrence is helping to drum up support to make North Chickamauga Creek a recognized State Scenic River. You can learn more about the area and the reasons behind...
Support North Chickamauga Creek

Support North Chickamauga Creek

"The Scenic River classification for the natural rivers area suits North Chickamauga Creek to a 'T,' especially the gorge section upstream from the pocket wilderness," Torrence said Tuesday in a telephone interview. "It takes what's already state land and makes the river more significant, understood to be the treasure that it is."

Our very own Crisler Torrence is helping to drum up support to make North Chickamauga Creek a recognized State Scenic River. You can learn more about the area and the reasons behind seeking this designation and while you’re there, be sure to sign the petition by clicking this link:


Crisler was also interviewed for this TFP article which also has a lot of good information about why this designation is important:

